
Providing Interoperability between CORBA and Rogue Wave Classes

ORBstreams.h++ is a new C++ toolkit from Rogue Wave that makes C++ programming in a CORBA environment much easier.

ORBstreams.h++ provides C++ classes that make it effortless to stream complicated C++ objects across a CORBA interface. This powerful set of classes makes custom marshaling and unmarshaling of C++ objects a thing of the past!

You can see some examples of ORBstreams.h++

ORBstreams.h++ Enhances the Existing CORBA Standard

Currently, CORBA provides no support for passing a C++ object by value. For example, for performance reasons you may want to send C++ objects across a CORBA interface rather than calling them remotely. ORBstreams.h++ makes the tedious and complicated programming tasks of sending these C++ objects across a CORBA interface history!

Virtual Streams Provides the Solution

ORBstreams.h++ extends the virtual streams technology in Rogue Wave's Tools.h++, making it simple to pass Rogue Wave and user-defined objects across a CORBA interface. The Tools.h++ virtual streams technology allows you to use streaming operators without knowing anything about the final output medium. For example, the output medium could be a disk, memory area, or even a network. We've enhanced this technology in ORBstreams.h++ to allow you to transparently send C++ objects across an ORB.

Legacy C++ Objects Travel Too!

If you have already built objects that use the Tools.h++ virtual streams persistence technology, or inherit from RWCollectable and implement the saveGuts and restoreGuts operations, you can seamlessly pass them across a CORBA interface using ORBstreams.h++. Even legacy C++ objects can take advantage of ORBstreams.h++ by simply making them virtual streams aware!

ORBstreams.h++ provides support for all Tools.h++ classes that implement the shift operators for virtual streams, which include:

ORBstreams.h++ also provides support for the following RWCollectable classes:

Any C++ objects derived from these classes can use ORBstreams.h++.

ORBstreams.h++ simplifies object streaming in a distributed computing environment by making it trivial to stream your C++ objects across a CORBA interface. The power you've always had with C++ is now available for your C++ CORBA applications.

Requires Tools.h++

You can see some examples of ORBstreams.h++

Support for additional Rogue Wave classes will be provided in future releases.

Supported ORBs include: ORBIX from Iona Technologies Ltd.

Initial platform support includes:

SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX and Windows NT.

Contact us for the latest supported platforms.

© Copyright 1995, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.